Discover approaches and advances in our fight against the malaria mosquito using Insecticide Resistance Management (IRM). This course is designed for anyone involved in mosquito vector control as well as students and scholars of Public Health, One Health, Entomology, Epidemiology, or Evolutionary Biology. It will also appeal to the general public interested in malaria elimination, vector-borne diseases and mosquito control, and those with a wider interest in insecticide resistance management. The RBM VCWG is proud to announce that this…
IRAC España ha emitido una nueva alerta sobre resistencias de Ceratitis capitata en cítricos. Los insecticidas de los modos de acción 3A, piretroides, y 5, spinosines, son herramientas básicas de las estrategias de control de la mosca de la fruta en cítricos. Debido a la detección de poblaciones resistentes a ellos, se aconseja su alternancia con otros modos de acción, especialmente en las zonas donde se observe reducción de las eficacias de control, además de fomentar el empleo del…
Development of insecticide resistance can result from various mechanisms: increased ability for insecticide detoxification, decreased penetration/transport, or modification of the insecticide’s target site. The target site mutation table provides a comprehensive list of established target site mutations associated with published cases of insecticide resistance. Also added is an up to date list of published references relating to the different MoA Groups….
IRAC España ha actualizado la alerta de “Uso responsable de acaricidas en cultivos de cítricos“. La falta de eficacia de productos acaricidas es un problema para el sector de la citricultura que se ha acrecentado en las últimas campañas, poniendo en condiciones de riesgo la correcta aplicación de las estrategias de manejo de resistencias, forzando un uso incorrecto de sustancias activas y reduciendo el espectro de herramientas al alcance de los agricultores para el control de estas plagas. Para…
In the Europe, flea beetle infestations are of particular concern due to the decreasing availability of insecticides. Increasing regulatory restrictions for product registrations are a key factor in the availability of effective insecticides. Of the remaining classes of chemistries available, selection pressure is high and resistance is present. The situation presents the need to adopt all available crop management practices to produce a crop with the least reliance on insecticides. The cabbage stem flea beetle poster outlines insecticide resistance…
Two new posters from the IRAC Public Health Team and a further poster from the IRAC MoA Team all relate to different aspects of resistance management in mosquitoes as vectors of malaria. Topics covered by the posters include a general overview of the importance of insect resistance management, the increasing importance of biomolecular techniques for resistance monitoring and the importance of MoA in IRM strategies. Links to the posters are given below: The importance of Insecticide Resistance Management in the…
When using the IRAC and GRM MoA Apps on your mobile devices, you will now be able to open the menu and select the Nematicide Classification or Structures poster using the links as an alternative to the normal insecticide and acaricide MoA. To revert back just use the menu once again….
The IRAC Mode of Action Working Group have developed a set of 74 slides as a MoA tutorial outlining the major mechanisms of insecticide resistance and, explaining with graphics, MoA by the targeted physiology affected using the broad categories of: Nerve and Muscle, Growth and Development, Respiration, Midgut and Unknown or Non-specific target sites or functions. This is now available in Japanese as well as English…
The date of February 22nd has been set for the next face-to-face meeting of the IRAC Pollen Beetle WG. For full details of the agenda, Proposed agenda is: Pollen beetle methodology review and approval for neonicotinoids Pollen beetle methodology review and approval for OPs 2009 Monitoring poster review and approval (to be circulated prior to meeting) Review of Draft IRAC Pollen beetle monitoring scientific paper. Flea beetle resistance – monitoring and possible changes to OSR IRM Kdr monitoring results…
In 2010 the IRAC Oilseed Rape Working Group in collaboration with multiple researchers located around Europe, continued to monitor the susceptibility status of pollen beetle samples to pyrethroid insecticides. A summary of the findings from this survey can be found on our 2010 pollen beetle monitoring poster. In order to help monitor potential susceptibility changes to other insecticides, new methods for monitoring pollen beetle susceptibility to neonicotinoids and organophosphates have also been drafted and these can be found on…