For farmers in Vietnam, the agricultural environment is very dynamic. Changes in weather patterns, consumer behavior, the availability of labor, the availability of crop protection products, and the crop pest patterns, require farmers to adjust their agricultural practices to sustain and improve both crop quantity and quality. Badly adopted cultivation practices can lead to increasing problems with insecticide resistance. Farmers in Vietnam (VN) are experiencing increasing insecticide resistance, rendering their efforts in crop protection inefficient even though they can…
The Changes include the following updates: Group 4E Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) competitive modulators – New Active: FenmezoditiazGroup 23: Inhibitors of acetyl-CoA carboxylase – New Active: Spidoxamat.Group 35 RNA Interference mediated target suppressors New Group and Active: LedpronaGroup UNF Fungal agents of unknown or uncertain MoA New Fungal Agent added: Akanthomyces muscarius Ve6 Resources: The MoA Classification Scheme The MoA Poster (English edition) with the chemical structures The MoA Brochure The MoA website online search tool…
New versions (11.2, August 2024) of the IRAC MoA resources have been released and posted on the website. The changes include the following updates: Group 37: A new MoA Group which has been named “Vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) inhibitors”. Group 37: Oxazosulfyl has been moved from Group UN to the new Group 37. Group UNE: Sabadilla Extract has been classified as “Botanical essence including synthetic, extracts and unrefined oils with unknown or uncertain MoA” Group UNM: Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) has…
Abstract Insecticide resistance is a long‐standing problem affecting the efficacy and utility of crop protection compounds. Insecticide resistance also impacts the ability and willingness of companies around the world to invest in new crop protection compounds and traits. The Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC) was formed in 1984 to provide a coordinated response by the crop protection industry to the problem of insecticide resistance. Since its inception, participation in IRAC has grown from a few agrochemical companies in Europe…
New versions (10.5, March 2023) of the IRAC MoA resources have just been released and posted on the website. The changes include the following updates: Group 29: Renamed to “Chordotonal organ nicotinamidase inhibitors”. Group 36: A new MoA Group which contains the active Dimpropyridaz, and is named “Chordotonal organ modulators – undefined target site”. Dicloromezotiaz, previously, in Appendix 6 (active ingredient pending registration), has been moved to Group 4E, Mesoinics, within Group 4, “Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) competitive modulators”….
The IRAC Plant Biotechnology Working Group has completed a short poster brochure discussing the use of Bt corn to manage fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, in the Asia-Pacific region. The brochure complements IRAC’s poster and brochure developed in 2021 entitled “Manage fall armyworm in 3 steps”. The 3 steps are 1) Incorporate agronomic actions, 2) Identify pest and decide when to treat, and 3) Control FAW using IRM principles. The main IRM principle relayed in this brochure is the rotation in modes…
In South Africa, it will be critically important to have a harmonised approach to IRM for FAW across the industry and across technologies. This approach should combine a clear and simple structured refuge policy which does not confuse growers between the requirements for FAW and maize stalk borers in South Africa, and which enables a high grower compliance. There are several commercialised Bt-products in South Africa which are very similar. This approach is in the best interests of the seed…
As part of continued awareness efforts, the IRAC Nematode WG Poster “THE IRAC INTERNATIONAL MODE OF ACTION CLASSIFICATION SCHEME FOR NEMATICIDES” was presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Organization of Nematologists of Tropical America (ONTA) held jointly with the Egyptian Society for Agro-Nematology (ESAN) annual meeting in Cairo, Egypt from 24 to 29 September 2023. Over 80 nematologists, mainly from North & Central America, Europe, the Middle-East and Africa, attended the meeting. The poster was well received…
The 7th International Congress of Nematology, held in Antibes, France from 1 to 6th May 2022, was the first global in-person international gathering of nematologists in more than two years (due to the covid restrictions)! It was very well attended, with more than 500 participants coming from all over the world and others still able to join remotely to make some presentations. It was an ideal opportunity to present and raise awareness of the latest version of the IRAC…
IRAC España ha emitido una nueva Alerta sobre riesgo de resistencias de Bactrocera oleae en olivo. La mosca del olivo (Bactrocera oleae) junto a Prays oleae son las plagas más importantes del cultivo. Existe un limitado número de productos autorizados en el control de mosca del olivo y gran parte de la superficie está en sistemas de Producción Integrada, limitando aún más las herramientas disponibles. Para los piretroides, que son una de las principales herramientas de control en la…