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Citrus plants (Citrus spp.) are typically evergreen shrubs or small- to medium-sized trees cultivated in subtropical or tropical regions. More than two-thirds of global citrus production is grown in Brazil, USA, China, Mexico and Spain. In Brazil and the USA, about 70% of the harvest is used for processing, whereas the Mediterranean countries produce mostly for fresh consumption, supplying primarily the European market. In Asia, most of the citrus produced is consumed domestically. Citrus fruits can make an important contribution to human nutrition, because they are a prominent source of vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid). The economically most important varieties are lemon (Citrus limon), orange (Citrus sinensis), mandarin (Citrus reticulata, C. deliciosa), grapefruit (Citrus x paradisi), lime (Citrus aurantiifolia), Seville orange (Citrus aurantium), pummelo (Citrus maxima), citron (Citrus medica) and kumquat (Fortunella margarita/ Citrus margarita).

Pests associated with Citrus

Other pests associated with Citrus

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