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European Red Mite

Panonychus ulmi

P. ulmi is a major pest in almost all fruit growing regions of the world. The mites feed by puncturing cells of the leaf parenchyma with their stylets and sucking out their contents. This causes physiological changes in the leaves, and photosynthesis, transpiration and nitrogen accummulation can be severely constrained.

Spread of P. ulmi to most apple-growing areas has probably been caused by the distribution of nursery stock carrying winter eggs. A wide host range includes deciduous bushes and trees belonging to the family Rosaceae, but it is in association with fruit trees such as apple, pear, plum, peach, prune and cherry that it reaches economic importance. In commercial orchards, the potential of  P. ulmi to cause severe economic damage necessitates chemical control several times a year often leading to the development of resistance to many chemical classes.

European Red Mite resistance profile

Known resistances: Organophosphates – Group 1B Pyrethroids – Group 3A Clofentezine, Hexythiazox, Diflovidazin – Group 10A Oganotin miticides – Group 12B METI acaricides & insecticides – Group 21A Unknown or uncertain MoAs – Group UN

Key european red mite resources


Title Year Author(s) Publisher
Molecular characterisation of a sodium channel gene and identification of a Phe1538 to Ile mutation in citrus red mite, Panonychus citri. Vol. 71 (2), pp. 266-277. DOI: 10.1002/ps.3802 2014 Ding TB, Zhong R, Jang XZ, Liao CY, Xia WK, Liu B, Dou W, Wang JJ Pest Management Science
Monitoring of spirodiclofen susceptibility in field populations of European red mites, Panonychus ulmi (Koch) (Acari: Tetranychidae), and the cross-resistance pattern of a laboratory-selected strain Vol. 67 (10) pp. 1285-1293, DOI: 10.1002/ps.2184 2011 Kramer T, Nauen R Pest Management Science
Acaricide toxicity and resistance in larvae of different strains of Tetranychus urticae and Panonychus ulmi (Acari: Tetranychidae) Vol. 57 (3) pp. 253-261. DO 2001 Nauen R, Stumpf N, Elbert A, Zebitz CPW, Kraus W Pest Management Science

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