Latest Resistance management for sustainable agriculture and improved public health

Public Health Team News

  • The Resistant Mosquito: Staying Ahead of the Game in the Fight against Malaria – Training Course

    Discover approaches and advances in our fight against the malaria mosquito using Insecticide Resistance Management (IRM). This course is designed for anyone involved in mosquito vector control as well as students and scholars of Public Health, One Health, Entomology, Epidemiology, or Evolutionary Biology. It will also appeal to the general public interested in malaria elimination, vector-borne diseases and mosquito control, and those with a wider interest in insecticide resistance management.

    The RBM VCWG is proud to announce that this free course will start on Monday July 25th, and registration is now open via this link

  • 30 years of IRAC celebrated at the IRAC International Meeting

    IRAC held their 49th International Spring Meeting at the Hamner Conference Center, Research Triangle Park, NC hosted by BASF and Bayer CropScience on 17-20 March 2014. There were 9 sessions held over the 4 days including various working group planning meetings, a meeting of the IRAC Executive, and an “International Day” with four invited guest speakers. Presentations from the ‘International Day’ can be found on the IRAC website Resources Page by filtering for Spring Meeting 2014. In addition to the normal topics it was also a celebration of the 30th anniversary since the formation of IRAC in 1984. 

  • IRAC International’s 48th Meeting at Jealott’s Hill, UK

    IRAC held their 48th International Spring Meeting at Syngenta’s Research Centre in the UK on 18-22 March 2013. There were 12 session held over the 5 days including various working group planning meetings, a meeting of the IRAC Executive, and an “International Day’ with a session of guest speakers covering different aspects of resistance and resistance management. Presentations from the ‘International Day’ can be found on the IRAC website Resources Page and by filtering for Spring Meeting 2013

  • IRAC position statement on the use of mixtures

    IRAC, in consultation with its Executive member companies and representatives, have developed a general one-page position statement that presents the IRAC view on the use of mixtures and their relevance to insecticide resistance management. This includes the crop and public health sectors but more specific guidance, relevant to each area, will be developed over time using the position statement as a starting point. Copies of the IRAC Position Statement can be download via this link  or from links found on a number of the team pages (Executive, Crop, Public Health and Biotech).

  • Global Plan for Insecticide Resistance Management in Malaria Vectors from WHO

    Global Plan for Insecticide Resistance Management in Malaria Vectors is the title of a report released by the UN World Health Organization which contains the latest available evidence on the extent of insecticide resistance around the world, and puts forward a strategy for global and country levels, identifying clear roles and timelines for all stakeholders. The GPIRM also summarizes information about innovative new products being developed and sets out the immediate research and development priorities.

  • New IRAC Operational IRM Vector Manual

    A great new IRM Operational Vector Manual has just been published by IRAC providing the reader with practical knowledge and tools required to implement insecticide resistance management in vector control programmes. This pocket size booklet is a shortened version of the earlier larger IRAC Vector Manual. Both the full version and smaller operational pocket version have the same title “Prevention and Management of Insecticide Resistance in Vectors of Public Health Importance” and  are available online via the IRAC website (see the document links within the text above). Printed copies are available from the IRAC Coordinator at

  • IRAC publishes 3 new IRM vector posters

    Two new posters from the IRAC Public Health Team and a further poster from the IRAC MoA Team all relate to different aspects of resistance management in mosquitoes as vectors of malaria. Topics covered by the posters include a general overview of the importance of insect resistance management, the increasing importance of  biomolecular techniques for resistance monitoring and the importance of MoA in IRM strategies. Links to the posters are given below:

  • IRAC publishes a new and extensively updated second edition of their Vector Manual

    IRAC has just published the second edition of the very popular manual “Prevention and Management of Insecticide Resistance in Vectors of Public Health Importance”. This has been extensively revised and updated with many completely new sections added to chapters, along with further graphs and figures including some very useful flowcharts explaining resistance management best practice and what to do if you suspect resistance. Copies of the manual will be printed for circulation shortly but in the meantime you can be downloaded this second edition from the website. Click here to download the IRAC Vector Manual second edition (1MB).

  • Popular IRAC Vector Manual is being updated

    The Public Health Team is in the process of updating and re-issuing the publication “Prevention and management of inspective resistance in vectors and pests of public health importance”. The aim of the manual is to provide the principles of effective insecticide resistance management to decision makers and operators in the field in a pragmatic rather than a purely scientific manner. The new edition should be available for distribution early next year.

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