Latest Resistance management for sustainable agriculture and improved public health

References from Anon.

Title Year Author(s) Publisher
Test procedures for insecticide resistance monitoring in malaria vector mosquitoes (Second edition) Global Malaria Programme 2016 Anon. World Health Organisation
Global plan for insecticide resistance management in malaria vectors Global Malaria Programme 2012 Anon. World Health Organisation
Test procedures for insecticide resistance monitoring in malaria vectors, bio-efficacy and persistence of insecticides on treated surfaces Report of the WHO Informal Consultation 1998 Anon. World Health Organisation
Recommended methods for the detection and measurement of resistance of agricultural pests to pesticides. Method for adult aphids. FAO method 17 FAO 27 (2), pp. 2932 1979 Anon. Plant Protection Bulletin
The vector (tsetse fly) Human African trypanosomiasis Anon. World Health Organisation

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