Latest Resistance management for sustainable agriculture and improved public health

Position papers

IRAC Guidance: Insect Control Failure and Insecticide Resistance
CropLife International & CropLife Asia Position on Fall Armyworm
Computer models applied to insecticide resistance management
Factors impacting a resistance monitoring Program
Insecticide Mixtures and IRM with Key Considerations – Updated Guidances
Insecticide Mixtures and IRM with Key Considerations – Updated Guidances
Mixtures - Spanish
Mezclas de Insecticidas y Manejo de la Resistencia – OrientaciĆ³n Actualizada (Spanish)
CropLife Mode of Action Labelling Guidance
IRAC Statement on Combined use of Chemicals & Traits
IRM in Transgenic Crops in Small-Holder Systems
Seed Blends for IRM

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