The 7th International Congress of Nematology, held in Antibes, France from 1 to 6th May 2022, was the first global in-person international gathering of nematologists in more than two years (due to the covid restrictions)! It was very well attended, with more than 500 participants coming from all over the world and others still able to join remotely to make some presentations. It was an ideal opportunity to present and raise awareness of the latest version of the IRAC Nematicide Mode of Action poster, recently updated in December 2021. The poster was presented by the IRAC Nematode Working Group and was also selected as a flash-talk in the Integrated Nematode Management session at the Congress. Dr John Wiles had the opportunity to present the poster on behalf of the IRAC Nematode Working Group, and it was very well received by the audience, which comprised of academics, government officials, researchers, and industry representatives. Copies of both the poster and newly published IRAC 7th Edition Mode of Action Classification booklet were given to interested parties, and the feedback was very positive towards encouraging clearer labelling and classification of nematicide, in addition to insecticide, mode of actions. No doubt it was an effective way to raise awareness of the IRAC Nematicides Mode of Action classification scheme and it will help facilitate adoption and awareness of this material around the world.