Steering Team News
IRAC International’s 53rd Meeting, Orlando Florida, March 2019
The 2019 IRAC International Spring meeting was held at the Double Tree Suites by Hilton at Disney Springs, Orlando, March 26-28th. There were 12 sessions organised over the 3-days which were well attended by the 27 meeting participants. Day-1 was spent reviewing the work of the various international working groups and country teams during the previous year with Day 2 & 3 spent planning the work for the following year. The meeting finished with an IRAC Executive session where there was voting for the new elected officers, budget matters were discussed as well as a number of ongoing initiatives and projects.
The IRAC Chairman for the next 2-years is Nick Storer (Corteva), the Deputy Chairman is Juergen Langewald (BASF) and the Treasurer is Lixin Mao (BASF).
IRAC 53rd International Meeting Participants
Russell Slater handing over the IRAC Chair to Nick Storer
Ralf Nauen with Russell Slater
Computer models applied to IRM – IRAC explains
In a situation in which running real-world experiments is impractical (or even impossible), computer simulations offer a powerful solution to understand complex problems. This is exactly the case of resistance-evolution prediction: Although fast from an evolutionary perspective, the time and spatial scales involved in this process are simply too large to be dealt with experimentally. The underlying evolutionary processes of resistance development are relatively well known, however. With this knowledge, researchers can build mathematical models to describe and mimic the actual systems. These models can also be calibrated based on real-world cases that have already occurred, improving their precision and accuracy. Read the full paper
IRAC IRM Video now available in 6 languages plus English
IRM for soil & seed applied applied insecticides
The application of an insecticide to the soil, either as a seed treatment or as a direct application, is designed to either control soil borne insect pests or provide systemic control of pests above the ground. The general principles of resistance management apply to seed and soil treatments, as with foliar applied insecticides, however there are some additional factors that should be considered as outlined the the latest statement from IRAC titled: IRAC International statement on the resistance management considerations of utilizing soil & seed applied insecticides
30 years of IRAC celebrated at the IRAC International Meeting
IRAC held their 49th International Spring Meeting at the Hamner Conference Center, Research Triangle Park, NC hosted by BASF and Bayer CropScience on 17-20 March 2014. There were 9 sessions held over the 4 days including various working group planning meetings, a meeting of the IRAC Executive, and an “International Day” with four invited guest speakers. Presentations from the ‘International Day’ can be found on the IRAC website Resources Page by filtering for Spring Meeting 2014. In addition to the normal topics it was also a celebration of the 30th anniversary since the formation of IRAC in 1984.
IRAC International’s 48th Meeting at Jealott’s Hill, UK
IRAC held their 48th International Spring Meeting at Syngenta’s Research Centre in the UK on 18-22 March 2013. There were 12 session held over the 5 days including various working group planning meetings, a meeting of the IRAC Executive, and an “International Day’ with a session of guest speakers covering different aspects of resistance and resistance management. Presentations from the ‘International Day’ can be found on the IRAC website Resources Page and by filtering for Spring Meeting 2013
Launch of the new IRAC Website
After several months development IRAC has launched its new website on schedule. The site provides a reorganisation of IRAC’s resistance managment information arranged by International Working Group and Country Group. It has a new modern look based on the WordPress content managment platform with greater focus on current informtion in news posts but still with links to popular educational material such as the MOA classification scheme and posters.
Next IRAC Intl. Meeting, April 26th- 29th 2010, CLA,Washington DC
The next IRAC International Spring Meeting will be hosted by CropLife America in their offices in Washington DC. Plans for the meeting and agenda are being developed by the Executive Committee. IRAC members please mark the dates in your diaries!
IRAC Executive Membership Stands at 15
Company membership of the IRAC Executive remains at 15 but there has been welcomed interest expressed from further companies in Japan. There has also been interest in forming new resistance Country Groups (CGs) in France and Argentina although this is still in the early stages and the type of group and format is still being discussed. Companies interested in joining IRAC International should make contact with an IRAC member or the coordinator via the website.For further details and the IRAC structure click here.