Latest Resistance management for sustainable agriculture and improved public health

Intl. Symposium on Management of Tuta absoluta, Agadir, November 16-18, 2011


The joint EPPO/IOBC/FAO/NEPPO symposium on management of Tuta absoluta is organized in collaboration withIRAC  and IBMA (International Biocontrol Manufacturers Association). The symposium will take place in the Hotel Beach Club in Agadir where the participants will also be accommodated.

The aim of this symposium is to provide a common forum for researchers, regulatory authorities, experts from extension services or advisory bodies, and the crop protection industry, to share their knowledge in pest biology, phytosanitary measures, control measures, particularly biological control and insecticide resistance; to identify gaps in knowledge and research needs in order to avoid duplication of work.

For further information please go to the symposium page on the EPPO website.

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