Latest Resistance management for sustainable agriculture and improved public health

58th IRAC International Meeting, Brussels, Belgium, April 2024

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  • Day-1: Discuss  the challenges to IRM in constrained conditions of insecticide usage in a panel with IRAC members, industry experts and academics presenting different views. An expected outcome of the panel is to determine an IRAC strategy, deliverables, and potential collaborators to address these evolving challenges.
  • Day-2: Review Country/Regional team, and International Working Group activities over the last year and present goals and objectives for 2024/25.
  • Day-3 Meet as the Executive to discuss overall short and longer term IRAC international strategic direction and deliverables. (Minutes to follow later)

Day-1: IRM in constrained conditions of insecticide usage

Day-2: IRAC Country Group and International WG Updates

Meeting Notes

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