An IRAC Europe group was established in 2019 with the aim of generating and promoting communication of information that can help to prevent or delay the development of insecticide resistance in Europe and secondly to help facilitate effective communication and collaboration between the various groups and organisations active in resistance management in Europe. This includes IRAC Country Groups, IRAG teams such as IRAG-UK, NORBARAG, IRAG-Italy and the EPPO Resistance Panel through ECPA
Progress so far includes:
- IRM recommendations: Cereals (Complete)
- Support of the EPPO Resistance database (Ongoing)
- Discussions on the resistance risk associated with low dose (or low efficacy) insecticides (Ongoing)
- Resistance Monitoring: Oilseed Rape Coleoptera (Last completed in 2018)
- Feedback from country RAG or resistance groups (Ongoing).
Future objectives include:
- Identify and evaluate the resistance risks associated with new insecticide use patterns that may become more common in Europe (e.g. low dose/effect insecticides, precision application, chemical+biological combinations< etc).
- Support the further development and provide inputs to the EPPO database to ensure that it becomes a valuable tool to growers, regulators, researchers and industry.
- React to new cases of insecticide resistance or threats of insecticide resistance, both validating cases and providing practical advice on its management.
Declaration of Ljubljana – The Impact of a Declining European Pesticide Portfolio on Resistance Management (Bielza P, 2008)