Latest Resistance management for sustainable agriculture and improved public health
  • 35th European Society of Nematology Congress, Cordoba, Spain

    Cordoba, Spain
    A unique opportunity to exchange Nematology knowledge with the scientific and stakeholder communities. An oral presentation will be given by the IRAC Nematode WG highlighting the information on the IRAC website, App and other resources.
  • 58th IRAC International Meeting, Brussels, Belgium, April 2024

    Day-1: Discuss  the challenges to IRM in constrained conditions of insecticide usage in a panel with IRAC members, industry experts and academics presenting different views. An expected outcome of the panel is to determine an IRAC strategy, deliverables, and potential collaborators to address these evolving challenges. Day-2: Review Country/Regional team, and International Working Group activities […]
  • XX International Plant Protection Congress, Athens, Greece

    Athens, Greece
    The Congress will be consisted of plenary and concurrent sessions of updated information and research data with invited speakers along with oral and poster presentations to cover all plant protection disciplines including plant pathology, entomology, weed science, nematology, plant breeding, technology transfer and relative to plant protection disciplines. Satellite sessions will be also welcomed.
  • 16th Meeting of the EPPO Resistance Panel on Plant Protection Products

  • ESA Entomology 2024

    Phoenix, Arizona
    The theme for Entomology 2024 is Empowering Tomorrow with Insect Science. We especially encourage submissions formats that feature innovative dialogue and approaches that include topics which focus on challenges to the future of entomology and opportunities to meet those challenges with new ideas, techniques, technologies, and collaborations with scientists both within entomology and outside of […]
  • Resistance 2024, Rothamsted, UK

    Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, Herts, UK
    Ninth international meeting on pesticide resistance to insecticides, fungicides and herbicides.
  • 75th International Symposium on Crop Protection (ISCP)

    Ghent, Belgium
    The Symposium will focus on new developments in all aspects of crop protection. The programme will include a plenary session with two invited papers and several parallel sessions with submitted papers related to the following subjects: Agricultural Entomology and Acarology Nematology Phytopathology Herbology Formulation and Application Technology; Pesticide Residues: Toxicology and Ecotoxicology Special session: Innovative crop […]
  • 23rd Entomological Society of Southern Africa (ESSA)

    Stellenbosch University
  • ESA Entomology 2023, National Harbor, MD, close to Washington DC

    National Harbor, MD
    Entomology 2023 will take place at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center.  The theme for Entomology 2023 is Insects and Influence: Advancing Entomology’s Impact on People and Policy.
  • 53rd Meeting, Organization of Nematologists of Tropical America (ONTA)

    Cairo Egypt

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