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Latest Resistance management for sustainable agriculture and improved public health

Getting Started

Why Form a New Group

IRAC groups are normally set up to tackle specific resistance problems or “Resistance Hotspots” in a country or region. Resistance problems relate to classes of compounds or to different modes of action and clearly these issues can only be satisfactorily managed by all interested parties involved working on a common approach to Resistance Management. A multi-company IRAC group is the ideal forum for doing this.

Who Should be Involved

Group Photo 2013

IRAC Country Groups are generally made up of representatives of the Crop Protection Companies active in the country concerned. These tend to include by nature the major players but also some of the smaller companies that have a local interest. In addition local experts from research groups or institutions are also often invited to participate sometimes on a consultancy basis.

Group Organisation and Structure

The group normally elects a Chair, along with other supporting positions such as Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer for a fixed period, typically two years. Meetings of Country Groups typically are held twice a year with the secretary of the group preparing minutes. Copies of these can be forwarded to IRAC International for inclusion in the Country Section of the main IRAC website. In addition specific project groups made up of interested parties from the main group as well as invited experts are often formed to deal with particular pest resistance issues or problems. Often other functional groups are set up for purposes such as Education and Communication. These sub-groups appoint leaders or focal points and meet as required reporting into the main IRAC Country Group.

Operation and Functioning of Group

It is important that groups set up a constitution following the General Constitution prepared by IRAC International as a template for Country Groups. This sets the “rules” for how the group should operate. It is also useful to establish realistic short and long term goals for the group. If specific projects are being run and particularly if this involves group funding, IRAC International would recommend using standard Project Agreement Forms. Groups run in accordance with the IRAC Constitution can use the IRAC branding for documents and material produced.